Differentiation Through Innovation
Who wouldn’t like to have innovation springing up and creating new and differentiating products, services and processes? What a difference it could make in the success of the company! Continue reading→
Taming the Inevitable Business Cycles
Why is it that when business is good we think that it won’t turn down and when it is slow we think it won’t pick up again? Let’s face it, business cycles are here to stay, and we would do well to anticipate them and run our businesses to make the best of the up... Continue reading→
Strategic Planning Brings the Future into Focus
For many of us who lead our companies, it is a challenge to see much past next month, let alone three to five years into the future. We may feel that we are doing well just to put together a plan with objectives and a financial budget for our next fiscal year. Unfortunately, if we... Continue reading→
Good News: America Addresses Manufacturing Challenges
Deloitte and the Manufacturing Institute recently reported that an estimated 600,000 skilled positions in advanced manufacturing are going unfilled. Few would view this reality as anything but a threat to American Manufacturing. There is good news to report, however. America has now awakened to the seriousness of this situation and many different groups are starting... Continue reading→
Relating a Company’s Culture to Customer Success
Any company that has established a unique corporate culture can relate to the challenge of having its values executed by each individual member of the organization. However, Acme Industries knows first hand that unification of corporate culture within a company’s business model is vital to customer satisfaction and success.
Superior Supply Chain Management and Organization
Utilizing supply chain management best practices is vital to Acme Industries as well as our OEM customers. At Acme, we review what these best practices are to best achieve the most effective impact on optimizing favorable supply chain outcomes.
Effectively Balancing Load & Capacity Results in 95% On-time Delivery Performance
Recently, business has picked up for many manufacturers, proposing the challenge for OEM’s to make sure they are working with suppliers that will reliably deliver their requirements for continued growth in business. The OEM needs be sure that its key suppliers can balance the dynamic load of customers’ orders with the mostly static capacity of... Continue reading→
Building Strategic Relationships
The historical relationship between a customer and its suppliers has often been one of adversaries attempting to take advantage of one another if given the opportunity. The inherent philosophy of that approach is that the relationship amounts to a zero sum game where if one party wins, the other party loses. Breaking away from that... Continue reading→
Value Promises that Help Customers Succeed
Acme Industries’ customers, OEM’s that engineer and sell precision equipment, increasingly face large challenges in their globally competitive markets. Most are spread too thin, and don’t have the necessary resources to meet their objectives. Each company needs solutions that will optimize the leverage that their finite resources can contribute, and make them more competitive. Continue reading→
Lean Manufacturing Results Benefit Customers
Lean Manufacturing experts say that implementing Lean methodologies is a journey without a destination. Acme Industries has been serious about its Lean Manufacturing journey for the last 5 years and we have learned many things, including that there are no silver bullets or quick fixes. Lean is a journey that can produce significant results if... Continue reading→