Utilizing supply chain management best practices is vital to Acme Industries as well as our OEM customers. At Acme, we review what these best practices are to best achieve the most effective impact on optimizing favorable supply chain outcomes.
Beginning with the external side of supply chain management, the performance of the supplier has to take priority over relationships or having possession of patterns or tooling. Supply chain challenges often occur when suppliers underperform in a rush to deliver on time with perfect quality. At Acme, we are expected to go Beyond Precision for our customers, requiring suppliers to be topgraded, just like team members within an organization. Acme demands the highest level of performance and quality from its suppliers and asks that they continue to find ways to reduce costs. In return, Acme shares these cost reductions with its customers, setting the standard in the industry for cost-efficient manufacturing and building trusted relationships.
Internally, Acme’s supply chain organization brings a strong set of skills and experience to its tasks. Acme’s ability to evaluate and manage the supply base for technical capability, quality systems, administrative interfaces and production facilities leads to successful outcomes for its customers. One of the many tools available to Acme’s team is an ERP system module that analyzes the balance between the load and capacity, as described in the Balancing Load and Capacity blog. This tool, developed from Goldratt’s Theory of Constraints, helps manage both internal and external resources that enable dynamic changes in business levels without causing a deterioration of on time delivery to Acme’s customers.
Many of Acme Industries’ successful outcomes entail taking on our customers’ supply chain challenges to better focus on other strategic objectives and relationships. Bringing supply chain management best practices to our customers’ challenges allows Acme to deliver on its Beyond Precision value promise and provide optimum outcomes to our customers.